I heard that a couple of times in the past 3 years…
… Sim-owners saying this to members and leaders/admins…
Yes, yes, I know it is THEIR sim, and that WE are a ‘guest’ and WE have to kneel down to them and their rules cuz WE get to use THEIR sim for free… BLAH BLAH BLAH
I am talking about attitude here…
They make the simrules according to their vision…
They make rules like
… no cheating…
… don’t do this or that…
… be polite to each other…
… no drama…
The downfall of a sim/realm/group starts when the owners start to ignore their own rules… like making drama to people in the group-chat, talking abusive, calling names, using illegal weapons and much more.
And when you ask them about it, they say: “IT IS MY SIM!!! I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!!!” And don’t be surprised to find yourself ejected cuz you don’t agree with the owners power-play.
I also noticed during my years in SL and visiting many RP-Sims, that most sim-owners are afraid to loose control of their sim… they don’t trust their leaders. And when a leader has a slightly different version about how things should be rp’d …they get replaced within a second.
Such sim-owners really don’t give a damn. They only give about themselves. They only care about their status “Oww look at me, I have loads of cash in RL and I can make a playground for you.”
A good example is this…
A new sim is recruiting leaders & members, but the owner isn’t really interested in helping the new leaders getting started or informed, they let them find their own path and don’t give any feed-back. Prolly cuz they find a sim-opening more important than the good basic structures that is needed in a sim.
And this is what happens a few weeks later… The sim-owners suddenly realise that they don’t agree with the leaders’ chosen paths in RP. The leaders have worked for many weeks, to get the groups up and running, but find themselves being pushed aside by new leaders that were recruited by the sim-owner. And they weren’t even told they didn’t rp’d the vision of the owner… no warning upfront… nothing…
I own a Medieval/Fantasy MM group with 3000+ members…
And yes, I have rules. I need to have rules or it will become a MESS…
One of the rules is “No modern items”, sounds logic right?
So, would it be ok, for me as group-owner, to ignore my own rule and post modern items, but say to the rest “Piss off, it is MY group. And if you don’t like it, GET LOST!!!”???
I think I would loose my credibility…
I think that ppl would leave my group…
And that is what will happen to a sim where an owner ignores their own rules…
PPL will leave, and a downfall will follow…
A sim-owner is supposed to be an EXAMPLE to ALL MEMBERS…
And sim-owners have a task to listen to concerns of the members.
A sim-owner should work together with leaders/admins cuz they are the ones that motivate, drive the members… and THAT is what makes a sim a wonderful place to be…