I AM allowed to have my own opinion
I AM allowed to question actions of people
I AM allowed to show others the truth
I AM allowed to discuss certain matters
Background information: http://essieradford.blogspot.com/2010/09/i-am-not-allowed-to.html
I applied to rp in Glenblahblah.... after a while i started to ask about it cuz I was suddenly ejected from the group and didnt hear back from my application...
The simowner denied me to become a Glenblahblah member cuz I have a strong opinion about arseholes on the open web called Blogger... You will find the convo I had with her at the bottom of this page where she threatens to report me to LL if I will use her 'private' chat. She sounds like a cat in distress.
Here is the Glenblahblah PUBLIC groupchat;p
All you can read is... fun stuff... no insulting, nothing weird...
I left out the boring chatparts ;p
12:21] Kyra Reiter peeks in a whispers "word has Glencara opens this week... what have you all heard?
12:22] Virgi Lowey: nothing yet
12:23] Essie Radford: nope
12:23] Virgi Lowey: essiiiie!
12:23] Essie Radford: VIRGIIIIII *screams hysterically*
12:24] Kyra Reiter covers her poor ears
12:24] Raven Lazarno summons a tentacle monster hearing the screams of schoolgirls...
12:24] Virgi Lowey: lol...
12:24] Essie Radford tosses some olf french cheese around 'stuff your ears'
12:26] Raven Lazarno: if thats what you do with cheese... your doing it wrong...
12:26] Kyra Reiter makes a horrid face, looking at the french cheese and tosses them back indignantly "you didnt just...."
12:26] Essie Radford grabs it from her ears 'hmm what?'
12:26] Raven Lazarno smiles "I said wrong whole... stuff your mouth"
12:27] Essie Radford: 'only on some french toast...'
12:28] Essie Radford: so..when will the opening buffet be?
12:28] Kyra Reiter covers her nose, causing her voice to sound rather unattractively nasal "so yea, little heads up, i have an in htat says we finally open"
12:28] Kyra Reiter: that*
12:29] Virgi Lowey: yaaaaaaay
12:29] Essie Radford chants 'party, party PARTYYYYYY'
12:29] Kyra Reiter smiles
12:29] Kyra Reiter: so get your applications in all you little victi... i mean sweeties
12:30] Essie Radford: Mark and me have been waiting for opening:)
12:30] Kyra Reiter been waiting to see your applications
12:31] Dyisi Oppewall: oh .. right.. .. need to do a rewrite.. bugger
12:31] Essie Radford: almost done, just back from my holidays in france^^
12:31] Essie Radford tosses in some more cheese
12:31] Virgi Lowey: oh essie... u are all france now? *wiggles brows
12:31] Kyra Reiter sicks Raven at her .
12:31] Essie Radford hides hr garlic 'ermmm no...'
12:31] Nethya Emor noms on french cheese?
12:32] Essie Radford: J'ai des Pays Bas
12:32] Raven Lazarno: I hope you werent wagling your brows hoping for hairy pits in group chat Virgil
12:32] Raven Lazarno: Virgi sorry
12:33] Essie Radford: hmm virgi and me... enemies..once again....
12:34] Kyra Reiter smiels
12:35] Nethya Emor: Damn its going to be fun @_@
12:35] Kyra Reiter: Just you all know, there is no playing here without an app aproval.
12:35] Essie Radford nods 'ill finish it today or tomorrow and turn myself in...ermm the application....'
12:36] Nethya Emor: send notice Kyra! would be pretty!
12:36] Virgi Lowey: aaaaw.. raven.. i was not thinking about something evil like that.. and yes essie.. its a shame.. we seem to be good in being enemies...
13:06] Essie Radford closes her nose with some french cheese....
13:07] Raven Lazarno: first the ears, now the nose... you really fail at eating dont you essie...
13:07] Zaraklani Magne: lol
13:08] Essie Radford picks the cheese from her nose ... eats one piece and smiles...offering the other piece to Raven ' it tastes good....'
3:08] Essie Radford: 'dont mind the greenish..o well...
13:09] Raven Lazarno: I'll pass thank you... reminds me of that kid in kindergarden with the paste....
13:09] Essie Radford: 'you dont know what your missing.....'
13:09] Raven Lazarno wrinkles his nose... "Humans...."
13:11] Essie Radford: 'it is just a hiding place for food...when all other is gone..i have a secret supply.....'
13:16] Zaraklani Magne: See? And you won't let me and mine slaughter them why, O Mighty King? *speaks with a sarcastic tone, dripping venom*
13:17] Raven Lazarno: There are exceptions to every rule... though which way the exception goes I am lost to, regardless there is something salvagable...
13:19] Zaraklani Magne: Aye, their blood, their bones, and their carcasses on my throne. *snarls
13:19] Essie Radford pats Zaraklani on the head 'there there... have some sweets and go to bed early... you feel much better tomorow.... all those nightmares...poor thing....'
13:20] Raven Lazarno thwaps her nose, "No drooling in front of the savages... didnt I teach you at least a medicrum of grace..." ignoring for the moment the obviously insane mortal
13:21] Zaraklani Magne hisses, biting at Essie's hand, ignoring the Old Fart. "I AM nightmare, oo-mahn"
13:21] Zaraklani Magne: my character is alot off the deep end lol
13:21] Essie Radford swats Zaraklan on the cheek and looks stern while tapping her right foot 'NO BITING!'
13:22] Kyra Reiter: ok i have to stop looking in here.. your all making me laugh and not getting any work done! *waves*
13:22] Essie Radford waves
13:22] Raven Lazarno tilts his head... "Alright, you may teach this one some respect in the dream world... but if they dont survive they never learn"
13:23] Essie Radford smirks and shows her flashing blinking teeth
13:23] Essie Radford: oww hello dear, you survives the nightmare called 'sl crashes'
13:23] Raven Lazarno drops out of character... "Shes tpain?"
13:24] Zaraklani Magne hisses, claws slipping from the sheahs in her fingertips like an angry cat. "No promises she will remain sane or alive"
13:24] Kyra Reiter: ok.. if the flashing and blinking in her teeth is diamonds.. i claim them
13:24] Essie Radford: o.o MINE!
13:25] Raven Lazarno: alright dear you can take them while she sleeps after all I must take her to a dream realm until the rebelious one clams down, dont worry dear its for your own safety and shouldnt take more than a couple millenia..."
13:26] Kyra Reiter: woot... just call me the tooth fairy
13:26] Essie Radford: ....mine....
13:26] Mark Scofield sighs "females"
13:26] Raven Lazarno: does this mean I get to see you in a tutu love?
13:26] Zaraklani Magne snorts "I'll chew the air walker's hand off"
13:26] Kyra Reiter snorts
13:26] Essie Radford sighs and takes out the false teeth...giving them back to her grandmother
13:27] Mark Scofield: aww they fit you so well
13:27] Essie Radford: she needs them for dinner...i get them back right after....
13:28] Kyra Reiter: ok on that note i am closing chat
13:28] Essie Radford: lol
13:28] Zaraklani Magne: grannie might want to stop flossing with cat hair >.>
13:28] Raven Lazarno: you know... if she used those with your grandpa then gave em to you... you had your grandpa's jo in your mouth...
13:29] Mark Scofield: when you put that false teeth under your pillow, I mean do you get something from the tooth fairy?
13:29] Zaraklani Magne: LOL
13:29] Raven Lazarno: ....
13:29] Essie Radford: hes been dead for a while... so that would be kinda...gross if she did that...'
13:29] Zaraklani Magne fals off hair laughin
13:29] Zaraklani Magne: ok screw the in character
13:30] Zaraklani Magne: hair= hair
13:30] Essie Radford: was I ic? o.o lol
13:30] Raven Lazarno: and? old necropheliacs need love too...
13:30] Zaraklani Magne: damn lag imps
13:30] Zaraklani Magne: chair** omfg!!!
13:30] Mark Scofield: hmm the necro thing gets worse again
13:31] Essie Radford: sweety, i thought you would be used to it by now..... ^^
13:31] Zaraklani Magne: this is too funny
Lazarno: Nothing is as twisted as a Pedopyrobestionecrosodomizer....
13:32] Zaraklani Magne: he knos from experince xD
13:32] Essie Radford: i just call that typonese.... ;p
13:32] Raven Lazarno: actually... the worst thing I have ever heard of in my life... and I still shudder to think about is munging... if you dont know urban dictionary will tell you... but I warn you now even I was grossed out
13:32] Zaraklani Magne: I'll pss. if itruffled your feathers, Rave, I'll pke
13:33] Mark Scofield: sighs I love your freckles erm I mean your age spots
13:33] Essie Radford swats Mark HARD
13:33] Mark Scofield: thank you
13:33] Essie Radford: Ill bite you with my grannies teeth next time!
13:33] Raven Lazarno: hey now, take those kinda games to private chat... at least he isnt going on about pit hair...
13:34] Essie Radford frowns and smells her armpits...and faints
9:18] Essie Radford: q...how long will it take to get approved?
9:19] Kyra Reiter: well it wont happen on opening dsay
9:19] Kyra Reiter: day*
9:20] LestatDe Dagostino: and the app wont take long Essie
9:21] Essie Radford: ok, ill just wait :)
9:21] Kyra Reiter smiles
9:21] LestatDe Dagostino: send me a copy if you want as well. :) well get ya settled, you can still rp if you want to no need to wait
9:22] Kyra Reiter: Kain i have her application alkready
9:22] Kyra Reiter: its waiting approval
9:22] Essie Radford: ok thanks...cuz sl doesnt tell me if it was recieved or not... -_-
9:23] Kyra Reiter: i got it ;)
9:23] Essie Radford: \0/
One day... right after opening, PPL that were connected with me...were ejected without warning from the Glenblahblah maingroup. They never heard anything back from their applications...
Here is the private IM between Kyra, owner of Glenblahblah and me...
Remember: The Sl TOS thingy is funny enough in the Community standards. It is fully described that "Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums."
Blogger is not one of that sites ...
Essie Radford: Greetings, i was my application was denied... and i dont know why xxx (admin alt) said that it was cuz of my background?
Essie Radford: i would like you to overlook the application, and see what is wrong with it, then i can adapt my rp char
Kyra: when i have a free moment i will respond. Right now i do not have that
Kyra: One thing you need to realize about Glenblahblah. This sim is going to strive for GOOD role player.. so the application is NOT a "Character" application, but "PLAYER" application. We are not looking at the IC character created we are looking at the rp'er. WHY? Because we all - my full team - watched MANY sims fail because they accepted just anyone, let them do whatever, play whatever roles.. Just so they would have the traffic numbers for profit. I dont charge for anything IC here. Not IC home, not weapons, not potions, not the instances we are creating... even the market is selling items for RP money only. So we are NOT about Profit. we are about RolePlay. It was not your character that you created that was the problem.. it was YOUR history. I know you Essie, even if you dont remember me.. as does many on my team. Examples of your antics in our group chat showed the ones who didnt know you yet.. that they should look into you further as well.. and we ALL did. And I suspect you will someday Blog
Kyra: this as well.. so i will warn you right now, I will be saving this and IF you do I will report you to Lindens for breach of TOS. I have read your Blog.. your complete and utter slanderous remarks about other professionals, about other people's style of rping.. about what goes on in your rp network group.. and conversations between a sim owner and a faction leader that wasnt even yours! You should not of even seen that convo, much less posted it on the net! this makes you very vindictive, untrust worthy and horribly unprofessional. And I will not expose anyone in my sim to this., Nor will I give you fuel to do the same to Glenblahblah... again, post this ANYWHERE, or SHARE it to ANYONE and I will report you. Thank you very much for you time, I wish you the very best of luck in finding a place more suited to you.. and I truly hope my words make you reconsider your actions in the future.. burning bridges is never a good idea.
ps 1 'and I truly hope my words make you reconsider your actions in the future'~~~> YES IT DID. TY for inspiring me to write about another ***BEEEEEEEEEEP*** in sl.
ps 2 ... careful who you rp with... It could be an alt of mine... *laughs hard and shows her the famous 'two-fingers-up'
The world is created by the people that show up.
Never stop creating, never stop traveling.
Never stop believing the whole world is your Home.
Remember Yesterday,
Dream about Tomorrow,
Live Today.
If you are, you breathe. If you breathe, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. And if you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. If you know, you want to know more. If you want to know more, you are alive.
Never stop creating, never stop traveling.
Never stop believing the whole world is your Home.
Remember Yesterday,
Dream about Tomorrow,
Live Today.
If you are, you breathe. If you breathe, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. And if you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. If you know, you want to know more. If you want to know more, you are alive.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I am not allowed to...
Am I not allowed to have my own opinion?
Am I not allowed to question actions of people?
Am I not allowed to show others the truth?
And am I not allowed to discuss certain matters?
I thought that we all are allowed to do this…
We all live in a free world.
And if you don’t agree or can’t handle this…
Do you have something to hide?
Perhaps afraid to be exposed?
So... what do you do?
Try to do anything to keep me out?
Even if there was no reason for YOU to do this…
Your action woke me up.
And not only me...
Your regime sounds like a dictatorship…
...eliminate all you don’t like...or fear
...even make threats…
Yes...I know it is YOUR land.
Your play-zone.
Have fun..
I know I will
NB: The TOS thingy is funny enough in the Community standards. It is fully described that "Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums."
Blogger is not one of that sites ...
Am I not allowed to question actions of people?
Am I not allowed to show others the truth?
And am I not allowed to discuss certain matters?
I thought that we all are allowed to do this…
We all live in a free world.
And if you don’t agree or can’t handle this…
Do you have something to hide?
Perhaps afraid to be exposed?
So... what do you do?
Try to do anything to keep me out?
Even if there was no reason for YOU to do this…
Your action woke me up.
And not only me...
Your regime sounds like a dictatorship…
...eliminate all you don’t like...or fear
...even make threats…
Yes...I know it is YOUR land.
Your play-zone.
Have fun..
I know I will
NB: The TOS thingy is funny enough in the Community standards. It is fully described that "Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums."
Blogger is not one of that sites ...
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