Am I not allowed to have my own opinion?
Am I not allowed to question actions of people?
Am I not allowed to show others the truth?
And am I not allowed to discuss certain matters?
I thought that we all are allowed to do this…
We all live in a free world.
And if you don’t agree or can’t handle this…
Do you have something to hide?
Perhaps afraid to be exposed?
So... what do you do?
Try to do anything to keep me out?
Even if there was no reason for YOU to do this…
Your action woke me up.
And not only me...
Your regime sounds like a dictatorship…
...eliminate all you don’t like...or fear
...even make threats…
Yes...I know it is YOUR land.
Your play-zone.
Have fun..
I know I will
NB: The TOS thingy is funny enough in the Community standards. It is fully described that "Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without consent are all prohibited in Second Life and on the Second Life Forums."
Blogger is not one of that sites ...
The world is created by the people that show up.
Never stop creating, never stop traveling.
Never stop believing the whole world is your Home.
Remember Yesterday,
Dream about Tomorrow,
Live Today.
If you are, you breathe. If you breathe, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. And if you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. If you know, you want to know more. If you want to know more, you are alive.
Never stop creating, never stop traveling.
Never stop believing the whole world is your Home.
Remember Yesterday,
Dream about Tomorrow,
Live Today.
If you are, you breathe. If you breathe, you talk. If you talk, you ask. If you ask, you think. If you think, you search. If you search, you experience. If you experience, you learn. If you learn, you grow. If you grow, you wish. If you wish, you find. And if you find, you doubt. If you doubt, you question. If you question, you understand. If you understand, you know. If you know, you want to know more. If you want to know more, you are alive.
Amen sister!
The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Preach to the choir sister. Most second life role play sims are owned by politically correct dumb asses who spend most of their time trying to stop drama, which is all reality is a part of life. Life without drama is not life but an eternal boring sleep. I say most cause there are still many out there that say I do not give a rats ass if you like this person or not. I have my own sim I make my own decisions and I will give everyone a fair and equal chance at making the sim successful. Everyone should be judge on their actions at the present time and not hearsay. Um yeah Sim owners grow a pair of balls and please stop kissing ass. Thank you
I can eat some chalk to sing in the sisters choir. Well it is like when Sony or Blizzard say, you are not the people that we want in the game, we checked your background and your bank account and you failed to complain our standards.
But when you go out and tell the world that you failed the test then we pull you to the court. Because we bend the law like we want it.
I read the source for that blogpost. It was shared by SL itself to an outside world called gmail lol. So what we had here is one of that "I tell you that you are not pure enough for us enlighted ones and your are bad to friends of us on your website (yea I checked that). But when you tell anyone that we said that you are bad person then we AR you for violating TOS, because we don't like bad publicity."
We live in a world where we can express what we think about others. LL has nothing against it when it is published in a blog on an external site. And yes even in Canada it is allowed ;)
A lot of people wanted to bring this blog down but I guess not even once she got a message from Blogger or LL to change anything here, guess why.
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