Saturday, January 9, 2010

I told you so....

hello hispa, long time no talk
you probably dont recgonize this account but i was evanos ethaniel, jennidia's son
was just crossed by her for the last time
well, i just wanted to appologize to you for the way that everyone treated you and especially me when it came to jen
she hacked two of my accounts, changed their passwords, cancled both, and even changed the password on my email
all because i didnt want to rp in her sim any longer
so again
i wanted to appologize for not seeing that you were right all along
she is a bad person

I told you so...

Dont forget to read the comments....
Especially the ones of Robby...
He found out she was a fraud aswelll just a few weeks after he wrote his comments ;p;p

Dont you just love Karma...

Also read:


Magda said...

Well I Am sorry it happened to you. I really am. I know how devoted you were to her so. This is how the woman is....a lying dellusional snake that waits for the right minute to suck away at any happiness you are having that she isnt. I do have to thank her taking cliff/creag/Briccriu from me I would have never found the wonderful guy I am with now. We are getting married on Jan 17th and all are welcomed. Once again Evanos I am truly sorry she fucked you over, but she does that to everyone. The funny thing is people thought i was bad lol..

Treasury said...

the bad thing behind this story is, that jen can make as many avis as she wanna and nobody will maybe notice. so we will never get rid off this fucking person who just loves to play with human beings. how bad and evil one must be to do those things? and how sick one must be after "he" got told she is dead- later found out she was not- to go back to someone like this? i just know for my person that no matter who will meet this one i will warn everybody. those ppl need a general ban from SL.
asshole acting...
i am sorry for all who got fucked by her.. i am not sorry for all who went straight back into her arms. they deserve it...

Essie Radford said...

This was posted on an older blog post of mine:

Shyann said...
It wasn't me though.... it was all her! all of it was her! I never once spoke to any of you that I know of... and what's worse than all of this.. is her rl husband knows nothing of it... NOTHING, she lies and lies and lies to him every fucking day about Bricc, Creag, Cliff or whatever the fuck his name is and still manages to pretend that she actually gives a shit.... and the whole coma thing was all her fucked up way of making Cliff feels like shit for leaving her whatever the fuck happened cause I don't even know, all I have heard are fucking lies and and I'M NOT HER FUCKING SISTER!

January 13, 2010 4:53 PM