Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bloody nutters

Hi all^^

I wanted to share this lil bit of drama with you all...
Normally, I wouldn't act like this.
But I can't stand it, when ppl ripp off my friends and do everything to make them feel miserable.. So..those shitheads deserve a spot in my blog, so everybody can spit in their face...

One of the biggest dramaqueens in sl, who even faked her own rl death... has a piece of land she calls a realm... BUWHAHAHAHAAH
And of course, she thinks she can move on, and act as if nothing happened in the past... (grins)
Forget it girl!

SO after I made a comment on her blog... she removed it...
But no worries, I will put it here for all to read.

Original post: GODDAMNIT YOU TWO! You two are going to be the death of me I swear!

comment 1. Your death hu, lmao...
How many times are you planning to die???

comment 2. dunno but when I get there. I'll let you know *smiles*
Lucky I'm pagan, eh? Gotta love the whole reborn rate. Hehe

comment 3. hmm i found this interesting in the pagan laws:
"An it harm none, do what thou wilt
An it harm none, do as thou wilt
That it harm none, do as thou wilt
Do what you will, so long as it
harms none"

comment 4. lol well said...Blessed Be!

comment 5. Comment deleted
This post has been removed by a blog administrator

awwwwww, tsk tsk jenn...not very nice of you, but this is the original comment^^
"Do what you will, so long as it harms none"
Knowing Jennidia and her 'crew'... they will hurt lots of people.
Wait for Karma Jennidia... you will get it all back, right in your face.
Just stop talking shit.
You and your 'crew' have hurt so many of my friends.
LL should ban all of you from SL.
So, how many times do you plan to die...again, and again, and again?
Or wait...or are you her sister??

Damn, really I felt so pissed.
Them wrecking ppls sl, and pretending nothing happened!

The devilish Elf


Unknown said...

I find it every amusing that you really spend your time, or waste your time rather, on a subject you know nothing about, flaming it unnecessarily just because you are bored.. You have no right to be pissed about anything related to the subject you posted about.. Because you don't know the half of it.. I would like to inform you that I have read ALL of the e-mails Stating that it was Jennedia's Sister spreading the rumors, and faking her own death is a lie 10-fold. But if you WANT to be in denial about it, believing in false accusations, and continue to slam your opinion down on it, then I guess that shows a lot of who you really are..

Just another Careless Bi-standard who just like's wrecking the lives of others. And don't say you really cared, because if you did, you would never of put that harm on her blog. It's rediculous how immature you can be about past subjects. ALOT of us have moved on and have started over. It's the wrong in people LIKE YOU, who just WON'T LET IT GO. Your last comment was plain cruelty, careless and inhuman... I really hope you shove your head in the ground for a while and see the way your acting. I Love Jenn Very much, and I'll continue to stick by her because unlike you, she's caring, and doesn't slam on other people like a wreckless tormentive bitch. You're the reason that people would rather die...

You're another good friend gone bad..



tchebbe said...

Guya is blinded by the Boobies is all that is , oh my goodness he loves her wonder what her real life husband would say about this ,, YOU DONT HURT OTHERS and think that it will be forgotten , NOT in the way she did , if anyone is immature its the ones that walk around with their Hands down the inside of their pants Holding their little brains , if anything the only one I see here gone bad is the One this is all about and her little puppy dog groupies , Funny how fake blond hair and big Boobies Blinds Men to the truth

Magda said...

Oh Please guya, Who in the hell wants you as a friend anyway? You were all made for each other, the whole lying dirty lot of you. You can say what you want about me but I never hurt people with lies to the point of tears. I never pretended to be dead to ruin another's wedding and i never lied about sopme sister doing all those things, Not too long ago you couldnt stand Creag now you have him in your face all the time. You dont know if your coming or going. I tell you I am so freakin glad to be free of that poisin that just seeps from the lying bunch of you. She wants to be left alone ? Well she should have thought of that nonsense before she took apond herself to lie and hurt people like she did and that Creag is no better. Another one just hurt and deceive cause of the sheer greed of wanting his cake and eating it too. And when you amswer this post write all your dellusional thoughts down make sure we can all laugh at the sheer stupidity of every single word you will thoughtful write out as if you will hurt people who read it. We we all sit and laugh maybe all of you can plan a huge group sucide. Remmeber if you do dont freakin come back on alts that can be spotted a mile away and make up long sickening stories about your lives and who you bought what land from who. Keep existing no matter how much you hurt people hold that head up high in that filth you all like to wallow in. Do us all a favor and just be queit and take whatever abuse comes your way cause you know you all deserve it. Just shut it and take or start saying sorry, Cause it will never ever work out for you. trust me what goes around comes around. Choke on that.

Hispahian said...

well well well....
You will recognize them by their acts....and yes that is the only thruth in this world, the RL and the SL one.
I have been seen the way this person acts, in Sl and in Rl and I came to the conclusion that this person is not only totally psicologicly unstable but freaking nuts.
Gona start by all the lies she has been throwing out of her keyboard since I ever crossed my path with her.
She introduced herself to me as a writer.
Short after that, and everytime she decided to "leave" Sl she announce the group the mission she was send to in Irak or where ever the army would send her. After that it appears that she has a cronical hillness that NO freaking army in the all world would accept in their forces. Her blog is one of the most entertaining fantastie drama...she goes blind, she is going into coma, she love her husband then she hates him and dispise his kid that she first love as her own. Her mother in law has sexual fantasies with her, they share the love for bdsm....She sees demons in her bedroom that appears to be her "guardian angel"..because yes...we all have one, but hers is green with big horns and stuff.....
Then she goes around been the owner of sims that even have her banned..and a long etc...etc... that leaves the trilogy of the ring into a child fairytale.
Jennidia, who is this freak? some oversized blonde that have even more fat in her brain then in her butt that claims to be such a loving person that she goes around playing rl suicide to call for atention, atention that she desesparatly seek outside rl because her rl is too shitty to even make the effort.
..and you will recognize them by their acts..and indeed in the case of this nutcase aint hard to see, at least if you have your eyes and ears in your head. For those that have them between their legs it can take a little while.....don´t worry guya...you will get there.


Unknown said...

Really, are you guys trying to turn this into some sort of idiotic flame game? I know I'm better then this, and as for alot of your comments, They don't really phase me. Because I know what's right, and whats true. And being younger then all of you, I think I make a statement when I say, you're all acting like children.

Tchebbe, I'm really suprised in you, that you would say such a thing. Perhaps you felt lied to as well, but you have no right stating what you did. Because you were with me at one point as well, despite your RL husband.. And You did it again, and again, and again. So don't make this a matter of real life.. If that's the case, you're putting yourself into the picture. And Magz..

Magda, the only reason I really hated Clif at the time is because YOU were with him. And you lied ALOT to everyone.

Hispa, I may not know everything about her.. Not everything bad about her, and perhaps I don't want to. But I know whats good about her, and that's the reason I'm sticking with her..

I in all honestly don't care about any of your opinions. And I already knew them. There are people in this world who try to create happiness. And then there are those who destroy it with ease. Sure you all may of been upset, and continue to be in denial, but I know whats true. And my evidence is clear as day. I have nothing more to say really then that. I've just never seen so much hatred at one time.

Take Care,


Essie Radford said...

Hmmm would all these ppl make it all up...
I dont think so hun!
We have all been in the middle of her shit.

Take Care
(rolls eyes)

Magda said...

Aww poor always looking for approval guys ia upset. I never lied about anything. I was more truthful than most just ask your bf cliff there if i ever lied. What an utter dope you are truly. Oh Magda why have I failed you why wont you like me blah blah. I will tell you why cause you were a slmiy untrustworthy two face who couldnt be trusted worth the stays under my shoes when i walk the streets. No regard for feelings or who you hurt when. Like I said come sweety write more you are giving all the regular peeps who havent hurt anyone reason to laugh more please more!! Everyone has been effected by her damn lies and cliff's as well So i guess slime like to wallow in slime. What seer nonsense. You didnt like cliff from the beginning my dear I have chat tons of it. You are nothing but a little jealous wworm seeking atention and want to belong. Please magda like me why wont you keep me by your side> i will tell you why i need someone with a back bone there and Sonce you dont have one well i guess you dont fit. now you can go lick the asses of the ones you hated tell us all how it tastes after you are done.

tchebbe said...

ok Im Really Confused here , I dont have a real life husband (not yet anyway) and Ive never and I mean NEVER Pixelated (cybered) with Guya Everyone is intitled to their OWN opinons about Situations that they have incountered with someone or Situations that have involved them, that can not be stopped , know the old saying , Opionons are likie Assholes and Everybodys go one , and that is our Chose to have opinions and voice on matters of what we feel like , and Lieing is just Wrong dont care who it is its just Wrong

Omulu C'Rintin said...

For a guy that doesn't care you sure talk a lot lol

Magda said...

Methinks the lady dost protest too much. I say lady cause only a weak whining woman would act like this.

Omulu C'Rintin said...

I take offence to that !
I in my infinite wisdom consider myself .. a lady.. ahum .. I'm not kidding *looks angry at the crowd just in case they think of correcting her* .. I'll take on anyone that claims the difference !
Y'all heard me !
*sips her irish beverage*
I get slightly mouthy when drunk tho .. not that I'm drunk .. just well underway.
Sooo I'm heavily inclined to splurt my mind out in the open.
But I'm a lady .. so I won't.
*sips some more*

Magda said...

All I can say is LOL

Essie Radford said...

*sips her baileys*

Omulu C'Rintin said...

*shakes her head*
you just need a good recipy for Irish coffee that's all.

I'm generous today so .. take notes.
Take BROWN sugar, two teaspoons in a big glass.
Big teaspoons.
Poor the whiskey over it.
Set aflame while you watch a double expresso run through your insta coffe maker .. if you don't have one .. well sucks up !
If you're one of those .. I like irish coffee without the irish part in it .. you just let it die out by itself.
If you are one of those :" well why the hell would i be drinking irish coffee if i didn't want it to be irish ?!" - kinda people.
Then you pour the expresso over it when the flame is still living.
Have cream ready.
Wich you have mutilated first with an eggwhisk.
Hold a teaspoon upsidedown over the glass and poor the cream on top ..
Sprinkle cacao powder on top.

As for the use of whiskey ...
I use Grants or William Lawson.
But uhm .. cheaper kinds will do to .. more expensive is just a waste .. cardinal sin if you ask me !

Hispahian said...

I have been around SL for quite a while and in RL for much longer and I have seen so much misery and people figthing to keep afloat, and people going down on an hillness that is killing them slowly and still they fighting to stay among us and because of this only, there is only one thing I can think when a brat decide to play RL dead to get attention or get her way.....hope you are really dead.

Yes..I know..it sound hard and frankly I don´t care if this person called human been have more cualities then defects, a person that use death to play with poeple feelings and mind desirves just that: to drop dead!

There is so many people that are fighting to keep alive and this bitch plays with it like it was just a rp scenario. FUCK HER!

tchebbe said...

AMEN HISPA , AMEN , Tell it again. That is the WORST THING Anyone can do.