Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The week after...

Hi everybody,

I cant believe that it has been a week without Aglarond already.
Many different stories about my leaving travel in the realm. But my friends all know the truth. And if you want to hear it straight from me, just IM me.

Some people left because I did. Some others left because of the recent changes that were made. And some just left because they were fed up with all the drama.
Many people ask, and some beg me to return. I dont know, I have my pride... and somebody has to get on her knees and apolegies to me first. Even the dutch have feelings you know, ;p;p

I must admit, that me and the other person never really were friends. But I always respected her. Untill she made me feel like a useless tool. And all I did was being inspired by the changes and I was very enthousiastic to help the new owners out. I have over 2 years of sim management skills, organised alot of events IC and OOC, so why would I sit on the side line with crossed arms? Ok, I will admit that I was direct at times, but only when I needed to be.
I heard her say to some ppl that she thought I always hated her... that is NOT true. Perhaps dislike or mad/disappointed, but I could never hate a person. That is just not me. There is enough hate in the world already.
I want to give her a tip... Aglarond is managed by a team...not 1 person...

The past week, I have been busy with writing my story about Alo Mas'th (omg, 67 written pages already O.o) and made some rp scripts/plots... not sure where to use them ;p;p but I am sure they will be used in the near future, I just dont know where or when.

My healthproblem seems to be gone, I just need some more rest and some checkups next week.

I want to thank everybody for their support the last week.
And I wish for everybody in Aglarond, including the other person involved, the very best. And I hope that Aglarond won't sink in the Linden Ocean.


1 comment:

Omulu C'Rintin said...

Hi Essie,
I don't know if you'll believe me .. but I told the other person you speak of that I'd like to keep you on board as a Knight.
Sometimes it might seem as it's a one person team but it's not true. The last meeting we had was in fact very productive. But I have to say that I am somewhat thankful for the other person taking so much upon herself. Because I simply don't have the time to be doing it myself. Plus .. if the rl sydd was sitting next to you you'd probably find better things to be doing as well (-.^ lol).

Anyway. I really didn't want you to leave. In fact I had quit enjoyed the last times I rp'd with you or even talked ooc.
You are not a useless tool. The drowcaves you build looked amazing. Even tho some miscommunication made it go poof (:p) .. I don't blame you for that. Instead I talked to the person who send you objects back , basically saying nothing more then being presumptuous (a thing I'm guilty of too at times) often does more harm then it does good.

I'm glad you found some things you like to do instead. But I would like to press the fact that you ARE welcome in Ag... . (Fid)